What is the secret of successful startups? Why does one startup become a billion-dollar, worldwide phenomena while others clamor for survival? The Startup Genome Report reveals in depth about what makes Silicon Valley startups successful. Coauthored by researchers from UC Berkeley & Stanford, its other contributors include Steve Blank, the Sandbox Network, and 10 accelerators from around the globe. Crack the innovation code of them Silicon Valley Founders here! © 1. Founders That Learn Are More Successful Startups that have helpful mentors, track metrics effectively, and learn from startup thought leaders raise 7 times more money and have 3.5 times better user growth. 2. Pivot Is Good Startups that pivot once or twice times raise 2.5 times more money, have 3.6 times better user growth, and are 52 per cent less likely to scale prematurely than startups that pivot more than twice or not at all. A pivot is a structured course correction designed ...
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