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Showing posts from December, 2017

how to become a leader through a writing

  530 3 Strategies to Become a Better Leader Through Writing People are often surprised when they discover my big secret: I’m not a natural writer. Yes, I’m the CEO of a content marketing agency and a marketing speaker, but when it comes to putting pen to paper, I’m not the best. For a long time, I didn’t feel especially talented or see the benefits of writing for myself, so I avoided it. As my company grew, however, I started to realize how much my discomfort around writing was holding us back. It’s easy to say, “I’m too busy to write today,” and to keep kicking the can of personal and professional reflection down the road. There’s always something that demands immediate attention, and sitting down somewhere to reflect and write freely is never high on the list. But by not generating thought leadership content, I was depriving myself and my company of a valuable tool. I didn’t need to become Hemingway. I just needed to schedule time to write abo